floppy disk

Computers. a thin plastic disk coated with magnetic material, on which computer data and programs can be stored for later retrieval.
Also, floppydisk.
Also called floppy, diskette, flexible disk, magnetic disk.
1970-75; called floppy from the fact that the earliest disks are ‘flexible’, though the later (3.5 inch) disks have a rigid plastic case
British Dictionary definitions for floppy disks

floppy disk

a flexible removable magnetic disk that stores information and can be used to store data for use in a microprocessor Also called diskette, flexible disk
floppy disks in Science
floppy disk
A flexible plastic disk coated with magnetic material and covered by a protective jacket, used for storing data. Floppy disks were once the principal storage medium for personal computers, but inexpensive hard disks and writable compact disks have greatly diminished their role.